Mid Bay Dental

Dental Crown: What Is It & When Do You Need One?

Dental Crown

You might not be aware of it, but there are various types of dental crowns patients can choose from to restore the size, shape, function, and appearance of their teeth. Each type of material has its advantages and possible disadvantages to consider & the best choice may strongly rely on the purpose of the crown and the tooth it is supposed to protect.

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns can repair a broken or cracked tooth, and strengthen and protect a damaged tooth. A crown is applied on the outer or visible surface of the tooth to make your teeth look healthy & beautiful.

Types Of Dental Crowns

Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal Crowns

These are the most common type of crowns. Dentists combine the best components of both metal and porcelain. They are stronger than porcelain crowns, but they blend in with natural teeth better than metal crowns. They work nicely for front and back teeth. However, the drawback to porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns is that they are not as robust as metal crowns, and the metal portion may partially show while smiling. 

Metal or Gold Crowns

Metal and gold are the most durable ones used for dental crowns. Metal crowns can be comprised of various types of metal alloys, including chromium or nickel-chromium. Gold crowns are even more long-lasting than metal alloys. They both offer excellent durability and can resist pressure from chewing well, so they work fantastic for teeth further back in the mouth. However, metal and gold crowns are more apparent as they are different than the natural shade of teeth, so they may not be the best option for more visible front teeth. 

Porcelain or Ceramic Crowns

Ceramic dental crowns are most suitable for front teeth as they can match the shade of natural teeth. However, they are not as long-lasting as metal crowns or porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns, so they will not hold up as well over time if they are placed on teeth that are utilized more for chewing food. 

When Do You Need A Dental Crown?

There are times when a crown makes more sense than other cosmetic dental procedures, such as bridges, veneers, and even fillings. Here’s a look at some top signs a crown may be essential.

You Have Broken Teeth

If there isn’t enough tooth remaining to improve it via other techniques, a crown can be an ideal solution. Cracked or fractured teeth don’t heal on their own, so capping them with a dental crown is the best solution to reform the tooth.

Decayed Teeth

If more than half of a tooth is decayed, a dental crown is usually the better choice over a filling. Crowns help reinforce the tooth and can provide a whole-tooth solution.

Broken Fillings

In some cases, a filling may be used again. However, if there’s insufficient tooth to keep the filling and still bear the severities that teeth get put through daily, a crown may be your best option.

Large Dental Fillings

If a large portion of your tooth demands a filling, going with a crown might be a more suitable option. That is because crowns give full-tooth protection, rather than partial tooth protection like a filling.

The Tooth has a Root Canal

Root canals can save a tooth from being removed, but what they can’t save is the portion of decay the tooth has endured. If tooth decay is too vast to securely repair with a dental filling, a crown is usually the best for it.

Get Affordable Dental Crowns In Niceville

Nowadays, it is very easy to get dental crowns, just consult a cosmetic dentist in Niceville & restore your smile. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.